Apr 5, 2013

News Update: April 5, 2013

NEWS UPDATE: April 5, 2013

Are you ready to hashtag your cares away, Muppet fans? Yesterday The Jim Henson Company started an official Twitter account for Fraggle Rock (handily choosing the username @FraggleRock). They haven't tweeted much yet, but there is promise of more Fraggle goodness to come--in 140 characters less, that is.

In news that might make you tear up, after the passing of co-founder of the Muppets Jane Henson, the Smithsonian American History Museum has decided to pay tribute in their own meaningful way. The Kermit the Frog puppet they have on display at the museum now sports a black armband in honor of Mrs. Henson. Check out the picture at right (click it to make it bigger) to see this wonderful tribute for yourself. It is a simple honor for a great woman, who worked a lot with the Smithsonian for exhibits like Jim Henson's Fantastic World and who donated the original Sam & Friends puppets to the museum recently.

A few weeks ago we reported that Kermit, Miss Piggy, Fozzie, and Animal would be appearing on the Disney Channel sitcom Good Luck Charlie on April 28th. Well, the fine folks at Entertainment Weekly have an exclusive clip from the appearance. In the clip, Kermit sings part of a brand new song written for the episode called "Dream House." The clip isn't terrible, so here's hoping the appearance isn't either!

Last week at a Disney Parks merchandising event, Disney showed off some new figures coming to the Parks for their annual Star Wars Weekends. This year those figures will include two brand new Muppet sets, including Uncle Deadly as Emperor Palpatine and Bean Bunny as an Ewok. Uncle Deadly also comes with Gonzo as Darth Vader and a chicken as an imperial guard. Deadly and Bean look fantastic and a definite must-buy for me! No word yet on when the figures will be released or how much they will cost.

Finally, in cameos for The Muppets... Again news, the folks over at BleedingCool.com are reporting that singer/songwriter/dancer/actor Usher has filmed a cameo for the movie. The article says that Usher's cameo part involved dancing with Sweetums, which could be hysterical and awesome--and very Muppet Show-esque. Just another reason to get excited for The Muppets... Again!

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier, muppetmindset@gmail.com

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