Apr 2, 2010

New Muppet Video: "Stand By Me"

Happy April 2nd, everybody! Sorry to all of you that might have fell for my April Fool's gag yesterday--but, c'mon, you've gotta admit it was a good one.

Anyway, yesterday while The Muppet Mindset was being flagged for "copyright violation," The Muppets Studio went and did me one better by releasing a brand new Muppet viral video on YouTube. This new video, "Stand By Me," features fan-favorite character Big Mean Carl (here seen as Carl the Big Mean Bunny) as he eats his way through the classic song. But why are you listening to me yammer on about it? Here, watch!

Fun, hilarious, and classic Muppety humor all wrapped up into one wonderful video. Can you get behind it?

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier

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