Dec 27, 2010

Jason Segel STILL Talking About The Muppets

Happy day after day after Christmas, Muppet fans! For some of you, it's back to work! For me... it's back to posting on The Muppet Mindset. Today we have links to two more interviews with Jason Segel--both off which were provided to us by Brian Knatchbull.

In the first interview, with, Jason reveals his favorite Muppet and his childhood relationship with puppets. His story sounds like a lot of Muppet fans I know--writing puppet film scripts in your early teens, still having 10 or 15 puppets lying around your living room today? Awesome. I love his advice about revealing your obsession to girls. He is a wise man indeed!

In the second interview, with USA Today, the talk mainly focuses on how amazing Jason thinks it is to be working on this movie (and, let's face it, it is amazing). Gonzo, Sam Eagle, and Rowlf are all mentioned, and he talks about Brett MacKenzie writing the songs. Based on this interview, it's incredibly easy to see why Jason is excited for this movie--and why you should be too!

Sorry we don't have anything more exciting for you today, Muppet fans. But tomorrow you can expect to see another exciting, exclusive interview right here on The Muppet Mindset (and no, it's not an interview with Jason Segel)!

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier

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