Feb 15, 2011

"?" with Jarrod Fairclough: What is the Best Sesame Street Toy?

"?" with Jarrod Fairclough
"Because Asking Questions Is A Good Way To Find Out Things"
Question: What is the Best Sesame Street Toy Out There?

Jarrod Fairclough - My friends, I am excited. I’m excited for 2011. Why? Let me tell you. Firstly, the new Muppet movie will be out, albeit in America, it doesn’t look like it’ll be released here in Australia until 2012. Also, I’m making some great animations in my course this year, which I’m really excited for. But all of that, even the Muppet movie, pales in comparison to what will happen in the second half of the year...

I’m going to be an uncle for the very first time. My sister is currently pregnant, due in July, and I can’t wait to be an uncle. But I need some advice. And that leads to today’s question:

What is the best Sesame Street toy out there?

I’ve been put in charge of my niece's or nephew's Sesame experiences. It’s an honour I take pretty seriously, and I’ve already purchased a couple of things. One is a Big Bird bib I bought in New York when I was there last year. The other is called "Elmo Sit Me Up" seen here: http://dealsgoneinseconds.com.au/Babygoods/Sesame-Street-Elmo-Sit-Me-Up/prod_116.html

But I need some advice. And that advice is coming from my friends (and The British Correspondent) here at The Muppet Mindset, from some Sesame people, and, hopefully, from you. If you have any ideas of great Sesame toys, ones you’ve bought for your kids, cousins, nieces, nephews, all of those, or even for yourself, please drop me a line at jarrodmuppetmindset@gmail.com, or Ryan at ryguy102390@gmail.com and soon I’ll post the answers from everyone!

Until then, have a great day, I’m off to dance my cares away.

The soon to be Uncle Jarrod

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier


  1. Sesame Street Firehouse. Big Bird and Grover as firefighters. The whole thing folded up into a little carrying case. I'm trying to find one with all the pieces for my 2 year old. Oh and it came with Barkley!

  2. If they're still around, some SS Beanie Babies. From first hand experience, I've had hours of fun with them, making my own Sesame neighborhood and acting out stuff with them.

  3. Tickle Me Emlo is my favourite Muppet toy because he laughs and I laugh and he shakes and acts like a real Kitten.

  4. My 2 year old son love watching sesame street but instead giving him sesame street toy I try give some best toys for 2 year olds or developmental toys for learning.
