Apr 1, 2011

Muppet Madness Tournament 2011: FINAL ROUND!

Well, this is it, Muppet fans! After weeks of toiling and voting and campaigning and whatever else it is that we've been doing... the Final Round of this year's Muppet Madness Tournament is finally here! It's the matchup of the century between Super Grover and Statler and Waldorf--a matchup I've been predicting since Round 2! It's been a long, hard road for all of the contestants... but it all comes down to this. Will Super Grover crash into the winner's spot? Or will Statler and Waldorf heckle their way forward? Only time will tell...

Only until April 4th, actually, because that's when voting ends. But don't you worry, four days may not seem like a long time, but in actuality there are over 48 chances to vote! How is this possible you ask? Well, in the Final Round only, you can vote every two hours!! How crazy is that?! And believe me, it might be necessary. As of now there are only 35 votes separating the competitors. (Super Grover is winning, of course.) (Not that I'm picking favorites.)

So go! Vote! Now! Often! Again! Later! Oh, also... check out this GORGEOUS artwork from the one and only uber-talented demigod of Muppet fan art Dave Hulteen:

Cast your vote now at...

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier

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