May 23, 2011

"Green With Envy" Official Trailer

Finally... the movie we've been waiting for. The first official trailer for the new romantic comedy starring Jason Segel and Amy Adams, Green With Envy is finally online! Check it out below and see what all the fuss is about!

Needless to say... I know what I'll be doing come November 23rd.

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier


  1. It's finally here! (laughing like a madman) HAAAAA HAAA HAAAAA HAAA! Oh, um excuse me, I kinda, um, got carried away... for a second.
    THE MUPPETS!!!!! :-D

  2. Such an awesome trailer! I've sent to a number of friends and those I've heard back from all love it. They were totally tricked by it too. So cool!

  3. I am sorry but I really don not understand why everyone is so excited about a movie about someone forgetting there anneversary? People have posted this all over face book as well. I got bored and turned it off...

  4. This is like my 10th time watching the trailer!!! SO EXCITED!

  5. Why is it called green with envy?????????????
    Anyway, AWESOME TRAILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
