May 2, 2011

Royal Wedding Do's and Don't's (Delayed Edition)

As most of you surely know by now, The British Correspondent isn't too quick on the draw. Similarly, he's not too quick on the keyboard either. He sent me this article today about the Royal Wedding which was on Friday. You'd think these Brits were behind in the time zone instead of ahead. Anyway... in our effort to fill up a week with Muppety content, here is The British Correspondent's do's and don't's if you're having a Royal Wedding:

The British Correspondent's (Slightly Delayed) Official List of Do’s and Don’ts  for the I Do’s of the Royal Duo (Muppet Wiki Links Special)

Dearest William and Kate,
And there you have... whatever that was.

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier 


    1. Hmmm, I never noticed that seating arrangement, but the curious thing is that all the Sesame Street gang are on the bride's side, while Piggy never appeared on Sesame Street!

      PS — I know about the framed picture on that one sketch, but we all know that doesn't count.

    2. Maybe we shall be sure to use that list for our weding, Ryan. ~giggles~ ~sparkles~
