Oct 4, 2011

"The Muppets": New Posters, A Bazillion Likes, and more!

A slew of four brand new posters for The Muppets debuted online yesterday. From what I've been told, these posters are intended for bus stop coverings and will apparently be seen all across the country on bus stops. This is very reminiscent of the posters seen on bus stops for Toy Story 3 a few years ago and is also used to promote nearly every big movie from big studios. Check out all four posters below! (Beware the creepy Kermit mouth in the last one.)
Be on the lookout for these posters in your region! (And resist the temptation to destroy the bus stop to take them home with you.)

Also debuting yesterday was Kermit the Frog's promotional video for The Muppets Fan-A-Thon where he asks the internet for a bazillion "Likes" on Facebook for The Muppets. Check out Kermit's video below, followed by Miss Piggy's video as well and then go like The Muppets on Facebook!! Why haven't you done so already? If The Muppets get to a bazillion likes we get to see an advanced screening of the movie!

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier, ryguy102390@gmail.com


  1. If I see those posters at a bus stop, I'll probably make my parents stop the car so I can take a bunch of pictures... and destroy the bus stop to get it, but that's another story! :-)

  2. The posters are reminiscent of the ad campaign for Toy Story 2, not Toy Story 3. ;)

    Awesome posters! I think its awesome that this film has the "Disney muscle" behind it!

  3. I don't know how to like tehm. Can someone please explain it to me? I do like them and love them so should like them if I can but how?

  4. What's with the combination of the British spelling of "Theatres" with the U.S. holiday of Thanksgiving?

  5. Sparkle--
    Do you have a Facebook account? If so, you should just be able to click on "The Muppets Fan-A-Thon" link on this page, and then click on the big "click here" button under the image of Miss Piggy. :)
