Apr 30, 2013

Sometimes Bert Wears Funny Hats

Over the years running The Muppet Mindset I've collected quite a few pictures of Muppets (go figure). One of my favorite picture subjects is Bert. He's boring, but he's also dynamic--it's an odd conundrum for ol' Bert. But one of the things I've recently discovered via these pictures is the fact that Bert often wears funny hats... sometimes more often than his other Sesame friends and certainly more than Ernie. Maybe Ernie puts the hats on him? Probably. Anyway... here's some pictures of Bert wearing funny hats to brighten your Tuesday.
Bert wearing antlers (because Santa needed him to pull his sleigh)
Bert wearing bunny ears (also note the tail)
Bert as a conehead (or wearing a party hat, whatever)
Bert in his casual summer wear (note the argyle socks and the weird hat)
Bert in winter

Boy, hats sure look weird on Bert. His head is so oddly shaped... Anyway, there it is.

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier, muppetmindset@gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. I think the most memorable Bert hat for me is the Homberg(?) hat he wears when he performed "Doing the Pigeon".
