Apr 1, 2014

Welcome to Constantine Mindset!

Greetings, Constantine fans! We are so happy to announce that inspiration has struck and we've realized that running website about Muppets is stupid idea. Ryan Dosier has been fired and Ryan Doschevtsky has taken place. He understands Constantine on an internal level.  Forget about what you've heard from other Muppet websites, we are Number One source for all things Constantine!

Let us know if you have suggestion for website. Remember: we can give you what you want.
Disclaimer: We do not care about giving you what you want. We do not even care about website. Who cares?

The Constantine Mindset by Ryan Doschevtsky


  1. This is much better idea for website than those dumb Mappets. I prefer Ryan Doschevtsky's new website rather than that other guy, Ryan Whats-his-name. Eh, who cares?

    Good web-site!
    -Number Two

  2. XD I love this. Could you talk about Brewster next week on Weekly Muppet Wednesdays? I noticed that you never had, but I think you should lol.

  3. Statler: Hey, I work for Constantine!
    Waldorf: Yeah, just don't let pie eat him!

    Both: Dohohohoho!
