Capture the Moon: "I hope I'm really asleep and just DREAMING that I'm wide awake..." -- Doc
The Minstrels: "But you've heard enough! Now it is time for you to listen. Go and find your songs." -- Cantus the Minstrel
The Great Radish Famine: "Tides of love uniting you and me ... Linking us in Perfect Harmony" -- Marjory the Trash Heap
The Garden Plot: "Fear has nothing to do with it! It's grace and style we're concerned with!" -- Red Fraggle
Mokey's Funeral: "Oh, how DARE they call my White Birds and Death poem boring! Well--it HAS to be long! To give the birds time to migrate..."
The Beast of Bluerock: "But that's not fair! I'll have to be a TEAM all by myself!" -- Wembley Fraggle
New Trash Heap in Town: "She said there's a new way to find wisdom!" "Yeah, and it has something to do with argyle socks!" -- Red and Wembley Fraggle
WEEK SIX (and welcome to Season Two) :
Wembley's Egg: "Just take a breath, straight from the heart--Now go ahead and fly!" -- Wembley Fraggle
The Trash Heap Doesn't Live Here Anymore: "After all the pain and woe, here's the only thing I know: couldn't last a day without my friends." -- Marjory the Trash Heap
Red's Sea Monster: "It's the hugest thing in the universe! ...And its nose itches!" -- Red Fraggle
Uncle Matt Comes Home: "The most beautiful place in the universe? Huh! Not after you've seen a used car lot at sunset." -- Uncle Traveling Matt
And there you have it. Isn't it nice to be back? And now I'm going to let Ryan have a little vengeance. See, I can never take my little proof-reader's hat off. Even when we're talking over Instant Messenger, I have to correct him if he uses "there" instead of "their." So I figure it's only fair to let everyone laugh at me when I make a mistake writing a quotation on my chalkboard. See if you can catch it...
The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier
You're blackboard needs more death. ~giggles~