Later this week yours truly, Ryan Dosier, will be appearing on a radio show called The DJ Bob Show hosted by friend of the blog Bob Runkel. I am appearing on the show as part of their upcoming Jim Henson Tribute Show. Bob is looking for Muppet fans to share their thoughts and stories and memories about Jim Henson or Jim's work. If you are interested in sharing and appearing on the radio show to talk about Jim, head over to Facebook and leave a message on The DJ Bob Show's page or email Bob at Thanks, Muppet fans!
Yesterday Twitter was all a-twitter (how many times has THAT joke been made?) over a brand new, official account from Sesame Street for Count von Count! Currently the Count (@countvoncount) has merely been counting his tweets (he's up to 11), but my favorite was his tweet for 10, "Ten! 10! In, binary, that's 2!" I can't wait to see how many tweets the Count counts to! Go ahead and give him a follow. I'm sure he loves counting his followers too.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt, star of Inception, 500 Days of Summer, and the upcoming The Dark Knight Rises, consistently proves that he is hip, awesome, and an all-around cool guy. Yesterday, in a video shared by, JGL proved that he's also hip to Muppet fan culture as well. In the video below you can check out Joseph Gordon-Levitt's incredibly heartfelt and moving rendition of Ernie's Sesame Street classic "I Don't Want to Live on the Moon." It's wonderful.
Over at the popular Den of Geek website, friend of the blog Neil McNally wrote a fantastic article called "Looking back at Jim Henson's The Storyteller." The article is truly insightful, funny, and heartfelt--clearly coming from a true fan of the show. We don't often discuss The Storyteller on The Muppet Mindset, but as another facet of Jim Henson's impeccable career it is clearly worth noting and discussing. In the article, Neil discusses how some of the episodes of the show are the best things Jim Henson ever did. How can you pass that up?
Late last night, Stephen Colbert once again proved that he's a champion of Muppets. After hosting both Cookie Monster and Kermit the Frog on his show, The Colbert Report, plus putting countless Muppet and Sesame Street references into his news reporting, Colbert has shown his adoration for the Muppets numerous times. On The Colbert Report last night he proved it again when he dedicated an entire segment to tackling the recent press about Kermit's legal trouble with German TV. Stephen will explain the news better than I would, so check out the hysterical video below as Colbert brings in a German ambassador and loses his soul in the process.
They should totally have Stephen Colbert do a cameo in the next Muppet Movie!!