1 The Muppet Mindset: The Holiday Season Begins on The Muppet Mindset!

Dec 1, 2010

The Holiday Season Begins on The Muppet Mindset!

Greetings, Muppet fans! Guess what? It's December. I know! I can't believe it either! But you know what that means... it's time for The Muppet Mindset to get into the holiday spirit! I know I've already pulled out my Santa Swedish Chef action figure and my Kermit Claus statue (yes, that is the extent of decorating I do). So it's time to put on the final touches--an annual Christmas tradition (since last year), 'round these parts, a brand new holiday header designed by the one and only Dave Hulteen, Jr.! If you're reading this post in December, you see the header already! If not, here it is:

I absolutely love it. It's so simple, so classic, so wonderful. It's absolutely perfect, and I can't thank Dave enough for drawing it for us. It's the perfect way to highlight the holiday season here on The Muppet Mindset and I'm proud to feature it at the top of the site for the rest of the month!

Happy Holidays, Muppet fans! Let's start off the Christmas music, shall we? I'll be John Denver, you guys chime in as the Muppets... On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, a partridge in a pear tree...

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier


  1. LOVE IT! IT'S ROWLF!!!! I get very excited whenever I see Rowlf. Great job Dave!

  2. That's beautiful! He should make Christmas cards of it.

  3. This reindeer that you have as your new picture here also looks like Rowld the Dog which is maybe the point. I especially like the mistletoes. ~giggles~


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