1 The Muppet Mindset: Ryan Goes on Vacation

Mar 12, 2011

Ryan Goes on Vacation

Greetings, Muppet fans! It's that time of the year again... when I, Ryan Dosier, abandon my role as owner/operator of The Muppet Mindset to go on (a much-needed, thank you very much) vacation. Yes, it's Spring Break once again here and it's time for everyone's favorite unpaid intern, Lisa Alexander, to take over work here on the Mindset. I completely trust my dear intern with the responsibilities of the blog here, on Facebook, Twitter, and now on MuppetFans.com (and in our secret lair).

So anyway... I'm off to Walt Disney World once again to be happy in The Happiest Place on Earth! It's my favorite place to take a vacation... and I think it will be just the release and break I need after a long time at school. But anyway... enough about me; I wish Lisa all the best of luck and hope she hid the keys somewhere un-British-able (yeah... it's a thing).

Be sure to keep an eye on The Muppet Mindset's Twitter account (http://twitter.com/#!/MuppetMindset), where I will be tweeting numerous updates of Muppet things available in the Walt Disney World Parks, along with other pictures (probably of me with anthropomorphic mice and ducks and things) from my trip.

Also, stay tuned for an exciting announcement (yes, another one) coming later this week!

Have a great week, Muppet fans! I'll see you soon!

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier

1 comment:

  1. could you check to see if the stage one company store has a new exterior, and if the update has been made on muppet vision 3d?


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